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For Fear Tonight Is All (смешанная)

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Oberyn Martell/Sansa Stark, Oberyn Martell/Ellaria Sand, Oberyn Martell/Ellaria Sand/Sansa Stark, Ellaria Sand/Sansa Stark, Tyrion Lannister/Arianne Martell, Myrcella Baratheon/Trystane Martell, Quentyn Martell/Daenerys Targaryen, Bronn/Lollys Stokeworth, Gilly/Alleras, Robb Stark/Talisa Maegyr (mentioned), Jeyne Poole/OC, Doran Martell, Sand Snakes, Tywin Lannister, Original Characters, Harmen Uller, Daemon Sand, Jon Snow, Bronn (ASoIaF), Osha (ASoIaF), Rickon Stark, Varys, Maester Caleotte, Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Brynden Tully, Wyman Manderly, Original Female Character(s) of Color, Original Male Character(s) of Color, Alleras (ASoIaF), Edd Tollett, Tommen Baratheon, Margaery Tyrell, Gendry Waters, Willas Tyrell, Varys (ASoIaF)
Polyamory, Recovery from trauma, Oberyn and Ellaria are good to Sansa, Canon Bisexual Character, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, The Martell Brothers are plotsy, don't google gout, Explicit Consent, Age Difference, molasses speed, dragons are just really big scary lizard cats made of murder and hatred and cuddles, no seriously do NOT google gout, Bisexual Female Character of Color, Bisexual Male Character, Angry Uncle Tully, I really truly mean it do not google gout I already puked for your sins, trans!Alleras, accidental epic, Poor Tyrion, as a final warning do not google gout, Daenerys Targaryen Is Not a Mad Queen, Daenerys Targaryen Deserves Better, Daenerys Targaryen Lives, I guess this isn't a story for Tyrion fans, You Have Been Warned, Complete, Jon Snow is a Targaryen, Jon Snow is Not Called Aegon, Warg Jon Snow, Trigger warning suicidal thoughts by multiple characters, No suicides, So for those who I can educate and save from googling it, Gout is a type of arthritis that forms crystals in your joints, Without modern medicine it is pretty much untreatable if it gets as bad as Dorans does, So word to the wise don't google gout I already did it for you, You can stop putting this story on lists of incomplete stories redditors, Gout crystals grow and will grow out of the skin, It is pretty grisly, So you know don't google it and you'll be fine, No planned sequels or spinoffs at this time, Thank you all for reading this for so many years, Love you so much and happy reading, Tyrion doesn't make it, Dorne makes everything better
1 438 Кб
10.10.2014 — 05.07.2020
Tyrion knew, as he gazed up at the dark skinned Martell man that this was perhaps his only chance to spirit Sansa out of King's Landing and away from his father's greedy fingers. Tywin Lannister would have married the girl himself if he felt he could have gotten away with it, and so Tyrion knew his own marriage was no protection to Ned Stark's daughter whatsoever.
"Invite her, demand her, steal her--whatever you choose, Prince Oberyn, choose it soon. Else my lady wife shall break into more pieces than the stars."
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