hell hath no fury like a scorned ex boyfriend (слэш)
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Loki/Tony Stark, Past Loki/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, Past James "Bucky" Barnes/Tony Stark, James "Bucky" Barnes/Loki/Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Phil Coulson, Thor (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Nick Fury, Bruce Banner, Hulk (Marvel)
Crack Treated Seriously, Slutty Tony Stark, Playboy Tony Stark, Snarky Tony Stark, Loki is sweet, when he's not mind controlled by the other, Bisexual Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov Is a Good Bro, is steve a virgin, we don't know yet but he's acting like one, Odin is a dick, Tony Stark is a troll, Past Relationship(s), tony doesn't like thor that much, it's not thor's fault the bifrost was broken tony!!!!, also tony collects scientists trope, Crack, The Avengers (2012) - Freeform, Bucky Barnes & Winter Soldier are Different Personalities, tony is a fucking slut, bucky: shows up, tony: now how do I get both him and loki to fuck me
01.10.2020 — 20.12.2020
“I cannot believe I’m saying this, but we have been saved by the power of Tony Stark’s dick,” said Fury, standing in the penthouse of Stark Tower with the rest of the Avengers and Loki.
"To my dick!" then said Stark and everyone looked exasperated even as they raised their glasses and bottles.
"To Stark's dick!" they chorused.
or: tony stark is an unrepentant slut but he does save the avengers hell of a lot of problems
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