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#цитатник #Мерлин
"He was wrapped around somebody else in the manner of an affectionate baby octopus. This definitely should be registering on the weirdometer." & "You are without doubt the most totally useless roommate in the known universe. I mean, seriously, seriously crap. Beyond crap. They will have to invent new words to convey the full crappitude that is you. I'm going to get the Royal Dictionographer on that right away." ^________^ 27 октября 2014
"Pot, meet kettle."
"And so he did what any self-respecting man in his situation would do. Er, no, actually, he didn't."
Now they were at the table by the window, John enjoying his Italian meal, Sherlock enjoying his big, steamy plate of absolutely nothing.
И прекрасны вы некстати, и умны вы невпопад.