

Войти при помощи
uncle Crassius
19 февраля 2015
Aa Aa
Заявочка, заявочка на one-shot, или даже на нечто полновесное :)

Harry Potter, a meek accountant from Little Whinging, Ohio rides by train to the frontier company town to assume a promised job as an accountant. Arriving in town, Potter discovers that his position has already been filled by an another man. Being shot in an accident with a local former prostitute, Potter meets a native, who attempting to dislodge the bullet from his chest. The native, calling himself Hagrid, reveals that the bullet is too close to Potter's heart to remove, and Potter is effectively walking dead. When he learns Potter's full name, Hagrid decides Potter is a reincarnation of his old friend, and resolves to escort Potter to the Pacific Ocean to return him to his proper place in the spirit-world.

Potter: Why are you helping me?
Hagrid: A bird told me.
Potter: A bird told you?
Hagrid: A magical bird with bright blue feathers.

19 февраля 2015
2 комментария
Оч правильный тэг!
Уии! Но это Мертвец . А я его очень плохо знаю, но постараюсь сделать.
