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22 июня 2021
Lady Astrel
Я что-то упустила: а давно это стало двумя разными животными?
Как минимум, в ГП-версе это разные твари.
Ну и вообще, это твари разные. Cockatrice - яйцо петуха высиженное жабой, Basilisk - наоборот, яйцо жабы, высиженное петухом. (Но могу путать ху из ху).

Заглянул в википедию. Ну да.
The basilisk is called "king" because it is reputed to have on its head a mitre, or crown-shaped crest. Stories of the basilisk show that it is not completely distinguished from the cockatrice. The basilisk is alleged to be hatched by a cockerel from the egg of a serpent or toad (the reverse of the cockatrice, which was hatched from a cockerel's "egg" incubated by a serpent or toad). In Medieval Europe, the description of the creature began taking on features from cockerels. It has a venomous strike and in some versions of the myth, it has the ability to breathe fire.

И, как оказалось, трудности перевода:
The cockatrice became seen as synonymous with the basilisk when the "basiliscus" in Bartholomeus Anglicus' De proprietatibus rerum (ca 1260) was translated by John Trevisa as "cockatrice" (1397).
