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20 сентября 2023
Продолжая читать обзор - кусочки про Петтигрю

29 глава
There, is however, one exceptionally strange bit- apparently in this version of the world, the core plot of Prisoner of Azkaban (Scabbers the rat was really Peter Petigrew) was just a delusion that a schizophrenic Weasley brother had. Just a stupid swipe at the original book for no real reason.

42 глава
Afterwards, Remus and Hariezer talk. Hariezer learns that his father was something of a bully. And, for some reason, that Peter Petigrew and Sirius Black were lovers.

119 глава
We also get one last weird pointless rearrangement of the canon books- apparently Peter Pettigrew was one of those shape shifting wizards and somehow got tricked into looking like Sirius Black. So the wrong person has been locked up in Azkaban. I don’t really “get” this whole Sirius/Peter were lovers/Sirius was evil/the plot of book 3 was a schizophrenic delusion running thread (also, Hariezer deduces, with only the evidence that there is a Black in prison and a dead Black among the death eaters, that Peter Pettigrew was a shapeshifter, that Peter immitated black, and that Peter is the one in Azkaban.)

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