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6 января 2024
а хуле ж - как там ее, Герания Поттер? - жрет непонятное нечто и других кормит непонятно чем

Владарг, однако же, выше сухпая в своих мечтах о крутом сисьназе на подымается. А тем времнем..
"While a snare could yield a ground bird or small animal or rodent, the deadfall could catch
snakes. Even poisonous snakes could be eaten so long as the operator took care to make sure the
head was severed beyond where the poison sacs were located. It was then a case of slicing it
open to remove the innards, peeling away the skin and cooking. If the operator was near a river
he could use the guts as bait to fish with, or to lure small carnivores into his traps...

Earthworms should be boiled for at least five minutes before eating to get rid of any bacteria,
they can then be eaten ‘as is’ or combined with other treats the bush has seen fit to offer up.
Dependent upon season, if the operator could access them, he could raid bird’s nests to steal
the eggs. There is also enough ground nesting species from which to harvest eggs. The reader
will already be aware of the nutritional value of commercially available eggs, and wild eggs are
no different. The enterprising evader with a culinary bent could combine eggs with earthworms
or grubs to make a ‘bush omelette’ which would fill his stomach and replenish his energy levels.
There are countless insect species which are edible and possessed of considerable calorific
value, and their various life cycles mean they are available all year round".
