13 ноября в 21:16
А я даже пересказывать эту сияющую мысль не буду, зацитирую:" there are many ways to put women in positions of authority, power and influence and still write women poorly, and the glaring flaw in all of these strong women is that they universally turn to mush as soon as a man they like is within 20 feet. Even without a few of the more stark examples, the books are replete with scenes of the number of swoonings and blushes that they basically all get when the man of their dreams is in their vicinity. One thing that is interesting is how many times this happens while they are the pov character and it’s essentially suggested that they are aware of the fact that they’re being silly but just…can’t help it? These are supposed to be our strong-willed powerful plot-vital women! They rise to positions of ultimate authority, but as soon as Rand, or Gawyn or Lan are around, they just internally shrug as if to say ‘well, nothing to be done about it, the man is here.’ |