Where Mad Gods Dance
The Zebrahara is the most inhospitable place on earth. Yet even here, life holds on and invades. In a small Zebra village, a shaman dances a terrible ritualistic dance that unleashes a tide of death so strong that it pulls in Equestria and it's brave and loving ponies. As Celestia sends the Royal Army to assist the bewildered Zebra King, she and her loyal soldiers witness first hand the true face of madness. These are stories of the Mad God King D'Jalin and the Dance of Blood.
(Oneshots, updated every now and then, all connected but not in sequence per-se. I hope you enjoy these. Zecora picture relevant. Character tags added as characters appear. May or may not be as rad as the other stuff I write. Have fun!)
To Prevent All Other Breaking-- Bic Macintosh writes a distraught letter home from the front in the final days of the War.