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Комментарий к фанфику: Не конец пути

Lothraxiпереводчик Онлайн
16 ноября 2019 к фанфику Не конец пути
Наоборот, она написала не спрашивать:

I had decided I wasn't able to write this fic anymore, and put it aside for over a year. Then, early in July this year, I pulled it out and started tinkering.

I got to a point with this fic where the prospect of writing it was mental agony (I have a metric fuckton of anxiety and depression) and the only way to move past it was to not write anything for a year. I'm in recovery now, and I'd like to keep writing, very much! But if I feel myself starting to feel that way, I'm going to have to pull back again. So far, the only way I know to do that is to take it slow.

Therefore, I would humbly request not asking me when I'm updating or entreating me to write faster. I simply can't, and when I try, I sort of paralyze myself. I actually had to psych myself up to posting again :)

Если кратко - "пишется, когда можется, не подгоняйте".

