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Промт в Kling
Young Emma Watson is reading a book in her hands. The book is red. She is frowning. She is wearing a light blue dress. She has curly brown hair. Next to her is a cute guy with a model appearance, clearly defined cheekbones, a straight nose. He is clean-shaven. He is looking closely at the book and adjusting the woman's curly hair with his hand, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. The guy is wearing a white shirt, the top buttons are unbuttoned. His eyes are gray. He has platinum blond straight hair. Watercolor art.
Ellinor Jinn:
Очаровательно озорная вещица, тонна веселья и уползания не только от смерти, но и от расписанной, как по нотам, не очень счастливой жизни!