Harry Dresden/Johnny Marcone, Jared Kincaid/Karrin Murphy, Sigrun Gard/Nathan "Cujo" Hendricks, The Archive | Ivy (Dresden Files - Butcher), Donar Vadderung, Michael Carpenter, Charity Carpenter, OFCs, OMCs, Thomas Raith, Leansidhe, Marco Vargassi, Tony Vargassi, Mab, Maeve, Bianca, Nicodemus, Lord Raith, Ebenezar McCoy, Arthur Langtry (the Merlin), Donald Morgan, Deirdre, Cassius, Mortimer Lindquist, Mavra
20s au, John in a fedora, yes that does deserve a tag of its own, A Lot of Plot, and hopefully some humor, Eventual Sex, Happy Ending