Canon-Typical Violence, Abundance of Death, Gore, Casey and The Predator form an uneasy truce, The Predator continues on his mission, The Upgrade has other plans, Human interference, Slow (but eventful) burn attraction, human/alien sex, Don't read if you don't like interspecies relationships, Doesn't really follow movie/novel, completely different ending, This is not a nice romance, Seriously. No fluff to be found here, This predator is a dick
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В процессе
21.09.2018 — 11.11.2019
Casey Brackett survives meeting the Predator face to face, only to make the questionable decision to pursue him afterward. When the shit hits the fan, she's staring down the barrel of one of Traeger's hired guns. Her savior? The Predator, who needs human help to finish what he'd come here to do. Their uneasy alliance becomes more than a little dangerous once the Upgrade arrives to hunt them both. (MANY SPOILERS for the new The Predator movie and movie novelization. Don't read if you're not okay with copious amounts of violence, gore, and an eventual sexual encounter between predator and human.)
Тяжела преподавательская доля! Дашь слабину, позволишь себе толику сострадания, а на шею уже взгромоздились.
Текст с тонким юмором, очень лёгкий, жизненный, с яркими образами. Полное погружение) Улыб...>>Тяжела преподавательская доля! Дашь слабину, позволишь себе толику сострадания, а на шею уже взгромоздились.
Текст с тонким юмором, очень лёгкий, жизненный, с яркими образами. Полное погружение) Улыбка на протяжении всего прочтения вам гарантирована)
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