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17 апреля в 23:28
Aa Aa

Dude # 1:
The problem with the happiness of a wirehead is that it's disgusting

Dude # 2:
And also it's a signal of a person who is completely useless to you, and the person who will die shortly because they don't care about sustaining themselves
People in transhumanist future probably have different intuitions

Dude # 1:
My point is that actually deciding whether the wireheader is wrong actually is kind of difficult if you're otherwise concerned mostly with pleasure and suffering in your rational justifications
It's effectively a repugnant conclusion

Dude # 2:
Well, your rational justifications are working with your values that arise from your intuitions. Different experiences/environments will alter your intuition, and probably alter your values too

So you can try to imagine how it feels to be in a different environment (e.g. glorious transhumanist future) and try to guess how you'll change your views

And then you can do that without waiting to receive these experiences, OR convince yourself not to change when/if you receive that experience in the future
17 апреля в 23:28
1 комментариев из 5
... потому что человек потребляет 20 ватт

Наверное сокращает конечно, но не настолько заметно что ты был бы знаком с примерами где это стало причиной
