So, my english...
Your receptive vocabulary is 11900 word families. Your attention index is 89%. You chose wrong options for the following multiple-choice questions: wobble. So, how do you stack up?
According to IELTS classification, your level is very good user. You have a fully operational command of the language with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies and inappropriate usage. You may misunderstand some things in unfamiliar situations. You handle complex detailed argumentation well.
Second, let's compare with native speakers. A native speaker of age 6 knows on average 6000 words. This number goes up to 15500 by graduation from high school at age 18. An adult's vocabulary varies from 16000 to 19000 words. Your vocabulary quantitatively corresponds to a vocabulary of a native speaker at age 12.
Вот теперь спустя полторы недели томительного ожидания меня можно поздравить с покупкой первой в жизни машины 🎉
А что вы знаете об импульсивных покупках?)
Муж веселится, мол, это подарок на восьмое марта, тогда как он на 23 февраля даже носков не дождался 😅