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29 августа 2024
Понимаешь, чтоб эти прибамбасы юзать, надо МНОГАДЕНЕГ.
Не обязательно. Ту же оборотку школьники второго курса варили из запаса ингредиентов на год плюс тыреная шкурка змеи, Гораций чисто для демонстрации наварил кучу зелья и оставил к нему свободный доступ. Другие прибамбасы могут быть дороже (аренда маховика там), а могут быть дешевле.
окупить такие затраты на бордель - это надо найти во-первых магичек, согласных работать дыркой (уже очччень непростая задача, даже в нашем мире проституция - последний выбор
Что значит "последний"? Стигматизировано и охренеть рискованно, что сдерживает предложение, что уравновешивается размером оплаты, за счет чего желающие и не переводятся. Но да, если неосновной, то значимый контингент будет из гастарбайтеров и гастарбайтерш тех самых домовух и полугоблов под обороткой, скорее всего.

Соответственно, равного нельзя объективизировать
Эм, что?
И да, объективацию я по-прежнему считаю амальгамой

Не давал. Что там?

Gender Differences in Erotic Plasticity:
The Female Sex Drive as Socially Flexible and Responsive
Roy F. Baumeister
Case Western Reserve University
Responding to controversies about the balance between nature and culture in determining human
sexuality, the author proposes that the female sex drive is more malleable than the male in response to
sociocultural and situational factors. A large assortment of evidence supports 3 predictions based on the
hypothesis of female erotic plasticity: (a) Individual women will exhibit more variation across time than
men in sexual behavior, (b) female sexuality will exhibit larger effects than male in response to most
specific socio cultural variables, and (c) sexual attitude-behavior consistency will be lower for women
than men. Several possible explanations for female erotic plasticity are reviewed, including adaptation to
superior male political and physical power, the centrality of female change (from no to yes) as a
prerequisite for intercourse, and the idea that women have a milder sex drive than men.

Sex and mating seem to be accomplished in a fairly straightforward,
predictable, even routine manner in many species of animals.
Human sexuality, in contrast, has long been recognized as a
rich, confusing tangle, in which biological drives, sociocultural
meanings, formative individual experiences, and additional unknown
factors play powerful roles. Among the most basic unresolved
questions about human sexuality is that of the relative
contributions of nature and culture: Does sexual response depend
primarily on sociocultural factors such as meanings, context, relationship
status, communication, norms, and rules—or is it
mainly determined by hormones, genes, and other biological processes?
Even in recent decades, theories about human sexual desire
have differed radically in their relative emphasis on nature and
culture. To be sure, hardly any theorist goes to the extreme of
insisting that either nature or culture is totally responsible for
determining the human sex drive, but the compromise formulations
differ widely in their relative emphasis.
The present article offers yet another conceptualization of the
relative contributions of nature and culture to human sexual desire.
The point of departure is that there is no single correct answer that
holds true for all human beings. Instead, I suggest that female sexuality,
as compared with male, is more subject to the influence of
cultural, social factors. Although male sexuality must frequently make
concessions to opportunity and other external constraints, male desire
is depicted here as relatively constant and unchanging, which suggests
a powerful role for relatively rigid, innate determinants. Female sexuality,
in contrast, is depicted as fairly malleable and mutable: It is
responsive to culture, learning, and social circumstances. The plasticity
of the female sex drive offers greater capacity to adapt to changing
external circumstances as well as an opportunity for culture to exert a
controlling influence. Prom the global perspective of the broader
society, if controlling people's behavior is the goal, women's sexual
patterns are more easily changed than men's.
То есть не "лучше/хуже сдерживают порывы", а "сами порывы формируются (сравнительно) больше культурой и обществом/биологией"
